Whether your existing pavement needs substantial repairs to prolong its lifespan or it’s in dire need of replacement, asphalt milling can help you remove material without the time, headache or costs of full demolition and excavation. At Legacy Pavement Solutions, we’re proud to offer pavement milling services to property owners throughout San Antonio and the surrounding communities. We’re an experienced asphalt milling company that can meet your precise needs, preparing your pavement for major improvement projects.
What Is San Antonio Asphalt Milling?
Asphalt milling is a unique and lesser-known service that helps remove material in a more controlled way. It’s a naturally destructive process that involves pulverizing asphalt to specific depths. Asphalt milling companies can remove several inches from your pavement’s surface, leaving the foundation untouched for reuse. However, contractors can also mill pavement through the foundation for projects like full-depth reclamation. Milled asphalt is often recycled and repurposed, and the process makes room for new asphalt without disturbing the existing foundation, surrounding structures like curbs or changing the pavement height.
When Is Asphalt Milling Necessary?
Many projects benefit from asphalt milling. The most common use of pavement milling is to prepare for resurfacing. Resurfacing projects can significantly improve the longevity of asphalt paving by addressing surface issues. In these cases, asphalt milling companies will remove the damaged asphalt, making room for a new overlay.
A skilled asphalt milling company can also provide this service to level out bumpy or uneven pavement. It’s particularly useful when the goal is to correct transition points, create rumble strips or address elevation problems interfering with water drainage.
Asphalt milling companies also assist with full-depth reclamation, known as soil stabilization. Full-depth reclamation requires the entire pavement to go through the milling process. Milling pulverizes paving down to the sub-base, allowing contractors to mix the milled pavement with cement and water to create a brand-new base that’s stronger and more reliable. It establishes a stabilized base for new pavement.
How Does Pavement Milling Work?
San Antonio asphalt milling relies on a skilled team and heavy-duty equipment. A trusted asphalt milling company will use machines equipped with a cutting drum to grind and crush material more precisely than conventional demolition. Typically, milling contractors perform multiple passes with milling equipment to remove asphalt to a specific depth according to project specifications. Vacuums and conveyors can then move milled asphalt to dump trucks for recycling.
What Are the Benefits of San Antonio Asphalt Milling?
Asphalt milling is a more cost-effective and controlled approach to material removal. While destructive, the more precise nature of milling allows contractors to remove only what’s necessary. That’s why milling is the go-to choice when the goal isn’t to remove the pavement entirely. When the foundation is in good shape and reusable, milling is the best way to ensure contractors only remove what they plan to replace.
San Antonio asphalt milling is also a sustainable process. Most milled asphalt is recycled, gaining new life in other projects. In cases of full-depth reclamation, milled asphalt is repurposed on-site. In either case, milling is eco-friendly and can make improvement projects significantly more cost-efficient.
Why Choose Legacy Pavement Solutions as Your Trusted Asphalt Milling Company?
Legacy Pavement Solutions is a seasoned asphalt milling company that is well-versed in this unique service. We have the expertise to complete milling projects to your specifications, preparing your pavement for a complete transformation. We understand how daunting destructive processes like milling can be, so we work closely with you to ensure you’re in the loop from start to finish while providing the stellar customer service you deserve. Legacy Pavement Solutions is available for a wide range of services, including new asphalt paving, sealcoating, repair, crack repair, parking lot striping, ADA parking lot compliance, concrete repair, concrete curbing and more.
Let’s talk shop! Call Legacy Pavement Solutions today at (210)461-2237 to learn more about what we can do and get a free project quote. You can also use our online contact form or email sales@lgcypave.com.